ISSUE NO: 12/1 ( 2023 )

Wednesday, 25 January 2023

IJORS - International Journal of Russian Studies

No. 12/1 ( January 2023 )

ISSN: 2158-7051

1. Joevan Caitano : Ekaterina Blazhkova and the exchange between Internationales Musikinstitut Darmstadt and Leningrad in the 1990s PDFpp. 1-14

2. Sajal Dey : Postcolonial Writer as Traveller: Tarasankar Bandyopadhyay in Russia PDFpp. 15-23

3. Ayse Dietrich : Russian Involvement in Afghanistan and its Outcomes PDFpp. 24-36

4. Renata Gravina : The Franco-Russian Alliance (1891-1894) and the Liberal Push to Czarist Russia
PDFpp. 37-44

5. Ying Liu : A Comparative Study on the Involvement of China and Russia in Syria’s Crisis: From a Realist-Constructivist Perspective PDFpp. 45-60


1. Ayse Dietrich : Russian ConservatismPDFpp. 61-63

2. Ayse Dietrich : The Russian Nobility in the Age of Alexander IPDFpp. 64-65

3. Ayse Dietrich : Stalinism at War: The Soviet Union in World War IIPDFpp. 66-68

4. Ayse Dietrich : The Soviet Supression of Academia, the Case of Konstantin AzadovskyPDFpp. 69-70

5. Ayse Dietrich : Russian Notions of Power and State in a European Perspective,
1462-1725: Assessing the Significance of Peter’s Reign.
PDFpp. 71-72

6. Richard Dietrich : The Bolsheviks and Britain During the Russian Revolution and Civil War, 1917-1924PDFpp. 73-74

7. Richard Dietrich : The Great Anglo-Russian Naval AlliancePDFpp. 75-76

8. Richard Dietrich : Russian ‘Hybrid Warfare’ and the Annexation of CrimeaPDFpp. 77-78