ISSUE NO: 5/2 ( 2016 )

Monday, 25 July 2016

IJORS - International Journal of Russian Studies

No. 5/2 ( July 2016 )

ISSN: 2158-7051

1. Anil Çiçek : The Legacy of Genghis Khan – The Mongol Impact on Russian History, Politics, Economy, and Culture

2. Смыкалин А.С. : Деятельность органов государственной безопасности СССР по разложению русской православной церкви в 1920-е гг PDFpp.116-134

3. Anya L. Hamrick : Bodily Willfulness: Intentionality and the Neurological Unconscious in Dostoevsky's A Writer's Diary PDFpp.135-157

4. Gagaev Andrey Alexandrovich, Gagaev Pavel Alexandrovich, Bochkareva Olga Victorovna : The Comparative Analyses of the Pretex and Mental Content of Turkish and Russian Fairy TalePDFpp.158-175

5. Natalia Svanidze : Georgian Press about Georgian-Abkhaz “Post-Colonial” Conflict and Cultural-Political Relations between Georgia and Russia in Post-Soviet TimePDFpp.176-190

6. Linda Torresin : Tolstoy’s ABC Book: A New Approach to Child Development PDFpp.191-209

7. Siarl Ferdinand, Flora Komlosi : Vitality of the Kyrgyz Language in Bishkek PDFpp.210-226

8. Kerry R. Bolton : Oswald Spengler on the Soul of Russia PDFpp.227-241

9. Justyna Olędzka : Socio-political changes in Russia after 1991. Russian “escape from freedom” or “lost in transformation”? PDFpp.242-253