ISSUE NO: 3/2 ( 2014 )

Thursday, 25 July 2014

IJORS - International Journal of Russian Studies

No. 3/2 ( July 2014 )

ISSN: 2158-7051

1. Anil Çiçek : Autocracy in Russia : A Fate, a Necessity, or the Will of the Russian People? PDFpp.90-111

2. Александр Смыкалин : В. И. Ленин – Теоретический основоположник терроризма мирового пролетариата PDFpp.112-128

3. Dimitris Michalopoulos : Mikhail Afanasiyevich Bulgakov, His Life and His Book PDFpp.129-147

4. Jens K. Perret : Comments on the Impact of Knowledge on Economic Growth Across the Regions of the Russian FederationPDFpp.148-159

5. Selim Öztürk : The State Building of Uzbekistan : Nation State, Democratic State, Secular State, State with a Market Economy, Independent State Building Processes

6. Hannah Schneider : Neither God nor Devil: A New Theological Approach to Bulgakov’s The Master And Margarita PDFpp.179-191

7. Chuka Chukwube : Russia – Ukraine Relations and Gas Politics with the European UnionPDFpp.192-199

8. Filiz Karakale : Ruscanin Orta Asya Cumhuriyetlerindeki Rolunun Devami Uzerine PDFpp.200-208


1. Юрий Храмов : К интерпретации русского Пацан PDFpp.209-211

1. Ömer Turan : Memoirs by Kadir I. Natho PDFpp.212-217

2. Ayse Dietrich : I am a Phenomenon quite out of Ordinary PDFpp.218-220