ISSUE NO: 10/2 ( 2021 )

Sunday, 25 July 2021

IJORS - International Journal of Russian Studies

No. 10/2 ( July 2021 )

ISSN: 2158-7051

1. Anna Hamling : The role of the religious doubt in the works of L.N. Tolstoy and M. de Unamuno PDFpp.70-78

2. Evgeni Singatouline : Redefining Ethnos. Gumilev’s Concept of Ethnos PDFpp.79-91

3. Meryem Nakiboğlu & Tolga Bleda Öz : Anton Çehov’un “Memurun Ölümü” İsimli Eseri İle Guy De Maupassant’in “Kan Davasi” İsimli Eserinin Psikanalitik Ve Yapısalcı İnceleme Yöntemlerine Göre Karşılaştırılması PDFpp.92-99

4. Mark Goodman : Napoleon, the Tzars, and the Emancipation of Jewry in Continental Europe PDFpp.100-114

5. Jason Wahlang : Russophobia and the West: A Study on Europe Anti - Russian Sentiments PDFpp.115-123

6. Büşra Cemal : Celil Memmedkuluzade’nin ve Sabahattin Ali’nin Hikâyelerinde Sosyal Eleştiri PDFpp.124-134

7. Ivan G. Iliev & Larry Koroloff : On a Parallel in the Use of Subjunctive Conjunctions in Russian And Bulgarian PDFpp.135-139


1. Ayse Dietrich : Is Russia Fascist? Unraveling Propaganda East and West PDFpp.140-142

2. Ayse Dietrich : : Nexus of Patriotism and Militarism in Russia, A Quest for Internal Cohesion PDFpp.143-146

3. Ayse Dietrich : Autographs Don’t Burn, Letters to the Bunins PDFpp.147-148

4. Ayse Dietrich : Amateur and Proletatian Theater in Post-Revolutionary Russia PDFpp.149-150